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Transaction Instructions

Subscription Method

E.SUN’s fund service provides you with detailed basic information, historical NAV (Net Asset Value), performance data, and a wide variety of rankings on hundreds of different funds, making it the best possible platform for investing into a fund. Act now to easily access our friendly services!

Preparation for Subscription

  • If you already have an account at E.SUN Bank:
    Please sign the “E.SUN Bank General Agreement for Non-Discretionary Monetary Trust” by visiting the Bank in person (look up service locations and addresses), or through the internet banking platform to activate your ability to make investment orders at the bank counter or electronically. After doing so, you may use the investment methods provided by the Bank to begin investing.

  • If you do not have an account at E.SUN Bank:
    Please visit the Bank in person (look up service locations and addresses) to open an account. You are required to provide your personal ID card, a second form of ID (such as your health insurance card, driver’s license... etc.), and personal seal.

Transaction Fees and Regulations

Minimum Subscription Amount

Rules for Debit Dates

Subscription Fee Rate

Switching Fees

Trust Management Fees

Minimum Transaction Amount for Switching or Redemption

Attached Table

Attached Table 1: Minimum subscription amount for foreign currency trusts through dollar cost/value averaging investment.

Currency Dollar Cost Averaging Investment Value Averaging Investment
Minimum Subscription Amount Increments Minimum Basis Debit Amount Increments Minimum Debit Amount After Reduction
USD 100 100 200 10 100
EUR 100 100 200 10 100
AUD 200 100 400 10 200
HKD 1,000 100 2,000 100 1,000
CNY 600 100 2,000 100 1,000
ZAR 1,000 100 2,000 100 1,000
JPY 20,000 1,000 40,000 1,000 20,000
NZD 200 100 400 10 200
SEK 1,000 100 2,000 100 1,000
CAD 200 100 400 10 200
CHF 200 100 400 10 200
GBP 100 100 200 10 100
SGD 200 100 400 10 200

Attached Table 2: Minimum subscription amount for foreign currency trusts of front-end load fund.

Currency Counter - Lump Sum Investment Online - Lump Sum Investment
Minimum Amount Increments Minimum Amount Increments
USD 3,000 5,000 100 300 100
EUR 3,000 5,000 100 300 100
AUD 5,000 7,000 100 500 100
HKD 30,000 50,000 1,000 3,000 1,000
CNY 20,000 30,000 1,000 3,000 1,000
ZAR 30,000 50,000 1,000 3,000 1,000
JPY 300,000 500,000 1,000 40,000 1,000
NZD 5,000 7,000 100 500 100
SEK 30,000 50,000 1,000 3,000 1,000
CAD 5,000 7,000 100 500 100
CHF 5,000 7,000 100 500 100
GBP 3,000 5,000 100 300 100
SGD 5,000 7,000 100 500 100

Attached Table 3: Minimum subscription amount for back-end load funds by each type of currency.

Minimum Subscription Amount
Currency Minimum Amount Increment
TWD 150,000 1,000
USD/EUR/GBP 5,000 100
CNY 30,000 1,000
ZAR/SEK/HKD 50,000 1,000
JPY 500,000 1,000

Attached Table 4: Fund series of back-end load fund that allows partial redemption, and minimum remaining trust principal after redemption.

Back-End Load Fund – Fund Series that Allow for Partial Redemption
Goldman Sachs Class Y Shares、Schroders Class U Shares、PineBridge Class N Shares、Neuberger Berman Class E Shares、Amundi Class U Shares、Franklin Templeton Class F Shares、AllianceBernstein Class E Shares、Capital Class N Shares、Franklin Templeton SinoAm Class N Shares、Cathay Class N Shares、Allianz Class B Shares、Mega Class N Shares、Taiwan Cooperative Bank Class N Shares、First Financial Holding Class N Shares、Allianz Class N Shares、Allianz Class C Shares、Taishin Class N Shares、Fidelity Class N Shares、JPMorgan Class F Shares、Fidelity Class B Shares、PIMCO B Shares、Eastspring Class T3 Shares、BlackRock Class B Shares
Back-End Load Fund – Minimum Remaining Trust Principal
Currency Minimum Trust Principal
TWD 150,000
CNY 30,000
ZAR/SEK/HKD 50,000
JPY 500,000

Attached Table 5: Minimum amount of partial switching and redemption for foreign currency trusts via bank counter and internet banking.

Currency Minimum Trust Principal Minimum Transaction Amount
(Note 2)
Minimum Remaining Amount
USD 200 100 100
EUR 200 100 100
AUD 400 200 200
HKD 2,000 1,000 1,000
CNY 2,000 1,000 1,000
ZAR 2,000 1,000 1,000
JPY 20,000 10,000 10,000
NZD 400 200 200
SEK 2,000 1,000 1,000
CAD 400 200 200
CHF 400 200 200
GBP 200 100 100
SGD 400 200 200

Note 1. The amount above refers to trust principal.
Note 2. The amount is also applicable for partial redemption of back-end load.

Transaction Notice

Trading Account

  • TWD/Foreign currency trust
    The account used for making investment payments and receiving funds must be a TWD/foreign currency demand deposit account that the Investor has opened at the Bank (not a checking account). The Investor may also make transactions through electronic service if they have applied for the service. If there is a need to change the original account for making investment payments and receiving funds, please bring your original authorized seal and national ID card to one of the Bank’s operating locations to change accounts except that some cases may be completed through electronic service (for example, the debit account for dollar cost averaging investment can be changed through internet banking).
  • The trust assets and the payment for applicable expenses provided by the Settlor pursuant to the Agreement shall be in the currency designated by or accepted by the Trustee. Trust assets shall be received/paid and trust principals and gains returned in New Taiwan Dollars if they were entrusted to the Trustee in New Taiwan Dollars, or in the currency that the investment product is denominated in at the time they are returned if entrusted to the Trustee in a foreign currency.

Types of Trusts Offered

Onshore/Offshore funds:

  • Lump sum investment
  • Dollar cost/value averaging investment (excluding ETFs, money market funds, and back-end load funds).

Transaction Hours and Debit Times

  • Transaction hours: Transaction dates are determined by the business days designated by the Bank’s system. The Bank reserves the right to change the trading deadline in special circumstances, or due to a force majeure event.
    • Transactions placed at counter: Business hours are Monday through Friday, ending at 15:30 (transactions which require phone confirmation cannot be processed past 15:00).
    • Transactions made through electronic service (including internet banking and mobile banking): TWD/Foreign currency trusts can be made in all 24 hours. Business hours are Monday through Friday, ending at 15:30. Transactions made before business hours close are regarded as transactions on the same day, while transactions made after 15:30 are transactions on the next business day.
    • Other important notes
      • Applications for transaction, deposit of funds, and modification of dollar cost averaging investment must be completed during business hours of the business day before the debit date, in order for the debit to take effect. Applications for transaction and modification of value averaging investment must be completed during business hours of two business days before the debit date, and deposits of fund must be completed during business hours of the business day before the debit date, in order for the debit to take effect.
      • The effective verification period for transactions made through Wealth Management Express is before midnight of the next business day after receiving the transaction confirmation notification. Transactions confirmed before 15:30 on the business day that the transaction confirmation notification is received are considered as transactions on that date, while those confirmed after 15:30 are considered as transactions on the next business day (all times are based on Taiwan time).

  • Debit time:
    • TWD trust: Real-time debit (Considered as the transactions of next business day if transacting via electronic service after 15:30.)
    • Foreign currency trust: Real-time debit from 09:00-16:00 on business days. When transactions are ordered at other times, the payment will be earmarked first and then deducted on the next business day. (Considered as the transactions of next business day if transacting via electronic service after 15:30.)

Applied Net Asset Value

  • Subscriptions: Onshore/Offshore funds are generally offered at the subscription price posted for the business day (T). The fund company’s rules shall apply in special circumstances where funds are not offered at the subscription price for the day. (T = Current business day)
  • Redemption: Redemption prices for onshore/offshore funds are generally the redemption prices posted for the T ~ T+2 dates. The fund company’s rules shall apply in special circumstances where the redemption prices offered differ from this standard. (T = Current business day)
  • The actual subscription, switching, and redemption prices for a fund shall be based on those reported by the fund company, as they may be affected by factors such as special holidays, natural disasters, fund settlement, and mergers. Please refer to the information provided on each individual fund on the Bank’s mutual funds websites.

Transaction Exchange Rates

  • Subscription: The exchange rate for subscription non-discretionary money trust fund shall be based on the Bank’s published ask exchange rate on the order date.
  • Redemption: The exchange rate for the redemption of TWD trust shall be based on the published bid exchange rate of the Trustee at the time the payment from the domestic/overseas fund company or relevant issuer is received.
  • Switching: During the process of fund switching, the transaction between different currencies is based on the exchange rate set by domestic/overseas fund company or relevant issuer; however, onshore funds do not accept the switching between funds denominated in different currencies.


  • Subscription fee:
    • Lump sum investment: Subscription fees for front-end load funds shall be paid in full at the time of subscription following the signing of the Agreement pursuant to the rules of the Trustee and the fund company or relevant issuer. For back-end load fund, no fees need to be paid at the time of subscription; however, at the time of redemption, the contingent deferred sales charge (CDSC) is required to be paid based on the trust period, and CDSC shall be deducted by the fund company from the total redemption amount. For the regulation on the contingent deferred sales charge of back-end load fund, please refer to “Switching and Redemption of Back-End Load Funds”.
    • Dollar cost/value averaging investment: Subscription fees shall be paid based on the currency and principal amount of the trust following the signing of the Agreement pursuant to the rules of the Trustee and the fund company or relevant issuer.
  • Switching fee:
    • For offshore fund, the Bank collects a switching fee of NT$500 (or US$15 for OBU accounts) for each switching, and also collects service fee for the fund company or relevant issuer.
    • For onshore fund, the Bank collects a switching fee of NT$50 (or US$2 for OBU accounts) for each switching, and also collects service fee for the fund company or relevant issuer.
  • Redemption/Repurchase fee: A small number of fund companies may charge additional fees when the Settlor makes redemption, and deduct the fee from the total redemption amount. For more details and information on these fee rates, please refer to the investor information summary or prospectus.
  • Short-swing trading fee: If the switching or redemption is a short-swing trading of the onshore or offshore fund, then the fund company will collect an additional short-swing trading fee, and deduct the fee from the switching or redemption amount. If the fund company finds and determines that the Settlor has engaged in short-swing trading, then the fund company has the right to restrict the Settlor's account from any subscriptions or switching. Please refer to the for each fund company’s rules on short-swing trading. For regulations of short-swing trading by each fund company, please refer to "Regulations for fund short-swing trading" on our website.
  • Trust management fee: Each year a trust management fee equivalent to 0.2% of the trust principal accrues monthly. For periods less than one month, the fee accrues on a daily basis. The Trustee collects the fee when the Settlor apply for termination and deducts the fee from the redemption amount. A minimum of NT$100 or the equivalent in a foreign currency is collected (a minimum of US$10 will be collected from OBU accounts). (Based on the subscription date, further details on these fees please refer to “Transaction Fees and Regulations”.)
  • Other: Apart from the various different fees described above, some additional fees may be reflected in the fund’s net value, such as management fee, custodian fee, distribution fee, and so on. For more details and information on distribution fee, please refer to “Switching and Redemption of Back-End Load Funds”.

Number of Units Allocated

  • If several Settlors on the same day instruct the Trustee to invest in the same investment product, the Trustee may pool their funds to make a single investment, and allocate the subscribed units/shares/face values among the Settlors. Leftover units arising from this allocation calculation process that cannot be assigned shall be allocated among the Settlors according to the established rules. Settlors may not object to how these leftover units are allocated.
  • The units Settlor receives are subject to Trustee’s record.


Lump Sum Investment

Dollar Cost/Value Averaging Investment

Modify Dollar Cost/Value Averaging Investment Plan

Special Matters of Dollar Cost - E.SUN Program

Switching of Front-End Load Funds

Redemption of Front-End Load Funds

Switching and Redemption of Back-End Load Funds

Allocation of Income from Trust Assets

Fund Certificate

Reconciliation Statement Delivery

Apply for Proof of Trust

Changing Debit/Deposit account, Original Authorized Seal, National ID Number, and Correspondence Address

Agreement Items

Service Hotline

Instructions of Stop-Loss and Stop-Gain Setting

Short-Swing Trading Consent Form

Fund Subscription Limits for Internet Banking and Mobile Banking

Investment Warning for Funds
The investment warning for mutual funds: Each fund has been approved or authorized to take effect by the Financial Supervisory Commission, but it does not mean that there is no risk. The Bank and fund management companies cannot guarantee the minimum investment return of the funds, based on their past performance. The Bank and fund management companies are only responsible for their due diligence and do not take responsibility for any profit or loss of the funds. Investors should carefully read the fund prospectus before investing. The risks and costs (including distribution costs) that the investment in the fund should bear have been disclosed in the fund prospectus or investor notices. Investors can check this information on the Public Information Observation System or overseas fund information observation system. Mutual funds are not deposits and the investment in mutual funds is not within the scope of deposit insurance. Investors should bear the profits and losses themselves. Mutual fund investment has risks. This risk may cause losses to the principal and the maximum possible loss may be the entire trust principal. Investors should make investment decisions based on their own judgment.